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 How did salesforce.com grow from a start up in a rented apartment into the world's fastest growing software company in less than a decade? For the first time, Marc Benioff, the visionary founder, chairman and CEO of salesforce.com, tells how he and his team created and used new business, technology, and philanthropic models tailored to this time of extraordinary change. Showing how salesforce.com not only survived the dotcom implosion of 2001, but went on to define itself as the leader of the cloud computing revolution and spark a $46-billion dollar industry, Benioff's story will help business leaders and entrepreneurs stand out, innovate better, and grow faster in any economic climate.

In Behind the Cloud, Benioff shares the strategies that have inspired employees, turned customers into evangelists, leveraged an ecosystem of partners, and allowed innovation to flourish.

 The latest jargon in the digital world, "cloud computing" leaves many small-business owners scratching their heads.  At its simplest, cloud computing enables businesses to do away with servers and much of their other IT hardware by running their software online.  Web-based email programs like Yahoo or Hotmail are examples of cloud-based applications; Microsoft is making its entire Office suite available free in the cloud; Google and others also have productivity suites in the cloud.
Dr. Williams eschews the jargon and marketing hype generated by IT vendors and helps business owners think clearly about how cloud computing could help improve their business.  He addresses fears related to data security and business continuity and also examines how cloud computing can impact a business's carbon footprint.  Case studies explain how businesses such as Dell and The New York Times have used cloud computing to their advantage.

 The primary purpose of this book is to capture the state-of-the-art in Cloud Computing technologies and applications. The book will also aim to identify potential research directions and technologies that will facilitate creation a global market-place of cloud computing services supporting scientific, industrial, business, and consumer applications. We expect the book to serve as a reference for larger audience such as systems architects, practitioners, developers, new researchers and graduate level students. This area of research is relatively recent, and as such has no existing reference book that addresses it.This book will be a timely contribution to a field that is gaining considerable research interest, momentum, and is expected to be of increasing interest to commercial developers. The book is targeted for professional computer science developers and graduate students especially at Masters level. As Cloud Computing is recognized as one of the top five emerging technologies that will have a major impact on the quality of science and society over the next 20 years, its knowledge will help position our readers at the forefront of the field.

 Ebook về chuyên đề Bài toán liệt kê,CTDLvaGT, Huy hoạch động,LT đồ thị

 Product Description: 


Modern computing is no longer about devices but is all about providing services, a natural progression that both consumers and enterprises are eager to embrace. As it can deliver those services, efficiently and with quality, at compelling price levels, cloud computing is with us to stay. Ubiquitously and quite definitively, cloud computing is answering the demand for sophisticated, flexible services


Cloud Computing: Technologies and Strategies of the Ubiquitous Data Center looks at cloud computing from an IT manager’s perspective. It answers basic as well as strategic questions from both a business and a technical perspective so that you can confidently  engage both IT and financial assets in making your organization techno- savvy, efficient, and competitive.


Any answers about the future of computing are definitely in the clouds


The first section of the book offers up a history of the computing roots that have evolved into cloud computing. It looks at how IT has been traditionally serving needs and how cloud computing improves and expands on these services, so you can strategize about how a cloud might provide solutions to specific IT questions or answer business needs.


Next, the book shows how to begin the process of determining which organizational needs would best be served and improved by cloud computing. Presenting specific cases as examples, the book walks you through issues that your organization might likely encounter. Written clearly and succinctly, it --

  • Introduces you to the concepts behind different types of clouds, including those used for storage, those that improve processor and application delivery, and those that mix any and all of these services
  • Covers typical concerns you will hear with regard to such issues as security, application integration, and structural limitations
  • Looks at the future of clouds, from developments right on the horizon to those still in the planning stage

By the book’s conclusion, you will have a solid basis on which to initiate strategic discussions about deploying clouds in your organization. You will understand how cloud computing  can affordably solve real problems. You will know which strategies to use and you will learn of the pitfalls to avoid when taking your data center to the clouds.

Throughout this book are the answers you need to the many questions from the most basic to the more advanced surrounding cloud computing and its place in your enterprise.

What exactly is cloud computing?
How are clouds different than virtualization?
Should my organization use a cloud (or multiple clouds)?
Can clouds and virtualization play significant roles in my organization at the same time?

Covering the basics of virtualization and clusters and the more advanced strategic considerations of security and return on investment, this book will be your guide to IT’s present and future in the cloud, a resource that you will continually turn to. 


Coming soon! For more information, Professional Cloud Computing, at www.professionalcloudcomputing.com, will help you find information to delve more deeply into the discussion in any of a number of directions.


About the Authors:

Brian J. S. Chee is one of the first 10 Certified Netware Instructors outside of Novell, Inc., Brian has seen networking evolve from the ground up from the viewpoints of a manufacturer, a distributor, a reseller, a computer scientist at the U.S. General Service Administration Office of Information Security (GSA-OIS), and now at the University of Hawaii School of Ocean and Earth Sciences and Technology (SOEST) as a researcher. As a Senior Contributing Editor to InfoWorld magazine and a long-time member of the Interop NOC team, Brian has a unique insight into networking trends and the emergence of new technology.

Curtis Franklin, Jr. has been writing about technologies and products in computing and networking since the early 1980s. A Senior Writer at NetWitness, he also contributes to a number of technology-industry publications including InfoWorld, Dark Reading, and ITWorld.com on subjects ranging from mobile enterprise computing to enterprise security and wireless networking. He is also online community manager for the Interop conference. Curtis is the author of hundreds of magazine articles, the co-author of three books, and has been a frequent speaker at computer and networking industry conferences across North America and Europe. When he’s not writing, Curt is a painter, photographer, cook, and multi-instrumentalist musician, and is active in amateur radio (KG4GWA), scuba diving, and the Florida Master Naturalist program.

 What is this book about? ASP.NET Website Programming shows you how to build an interactive website from design to deployment. Packed with solutions to website programming problems, this book will have you building well-engineered, extendable ASP.NET websites quickly and easily. What does this book cover? In this book, you will learn how to Establish a solid, scalable website foundation Provide flexible user accounts integrating with ASP.NET\'s built-in security Create message forums that enable formatted messages but defend against cross-site scripting Generate revenue from advertising Build a web interface for uploading, downloading, editing, and managing the files on your site Add opinion polls, email newsletters, and news management Deploy the finished site on a live server Build websites using good, n-tier coding techniques The site we build is modular. You can slot the modules into your own website, modify them, or use them as examples of particular ASP.NET techniques. Who is this book for? This book is for developers who Use ASP.NET and C# Use Visual Studio .NET Professional or above, or Visual C# .NET Standard Want to build content-based websites

  With this digital Early Release edition of HTML5 Cookbook, you get the entire book bundle in its earliest form – the author’s raw and unedited content – so you can take advantage of this content long before the book’s official release. You’ll also receive updates when significant changes are made, as well as the final ebook version.

Dive deep into the latest HTML5 features that really make the language shine—everything from markup semantics to Canvas, web forms, application protocols, and the latest JavaScript APIs.

With more than 100 practical tips and techniques that you can use in your projects right away, the HTML Cookbook helps you experience HTML5′s versatility firsthand.

Each informative recipe includes a code solution, along with a detailed discussion into why and how it works. And each chapter has an example design to showcase the topics presented. This handy book is perfect for intermediate to advanced web and mobile web developers ready to take advantage of HTML5 immediately, with recipes on thefollowing topics:

Basic web syntax
Progressive HTML5 markup techniques
Web forms
Audio and video
Advanced JavaScript APIs

 Tài liệu tiếng việt gôm hưng  dẫ n  bạ n  từng  bước  xây  dựng một component trong joomla 1.5. Phần sau sẽ bổ sung thêm các đặc điểm mới vào phần trước để hoàn thiện dần component của bạn. Khi kết thúc mỗi phần bạn đều có thể cài đặt ngay các ví dụ đễ thấy được các kết quả của phần đó. Tài liệu hướng dẫn này được dịch từ trang web http://dev.joomla.org/component/option,com_jd-wiki/Itemid,/id,tutorials:components/   
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 Major enterprises and small start-ups are beginning to embrace cloud computing for the scalability and reliability that cloud vendors can provide. This book demonstrates how to implement robust and highly scalable cloud computing applications. Filled with comparative charts and decision trees to help navigate the many implementation alternatives, the author describes the major available commercial offerings and guides readers in choosing the best combination of platform, tools, and services for a small, growing start-up or an established enterprise. Aimed at software developers and their managers, the text details cloud development environments, lifecycles, and project management.Table of ContentsAbout the Author Dedication Author's Acknowledgements How to Read This Book Preface  Executive Summary 1 Cloud Computing is a True Paradigm Shift            2 From Do It Yourself to Public Cloud - A Continuum 3 Cloud Computing - Is It Old Mainframe Bess in a New Dress? 4 Moving Into and Around the Clouds and Efforts at Standardization 5 Cloud Economics and Capacity Management 6 Demystifiying the Cloud: A Case Study Using Amazon's Cloud Services (AWS) 7 Virtualization: Open Source and VMware 8 Securing the Cloud - Reliability, Availability and Security 9 Scale and Reuse- Standing on the Shoulders of Giants 10 Windows Azure           11 Google in the Cloud 12 Enterprise Cloud Vendors 13 Cloud Service Providers            14 Practice Fusion: A Case Study 15 Support and Reference MaterialsIndex

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