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Tiêu đề: Ms Press 70-299 Implementing Security

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Ngôn ngữ: Vietnamese
Chuyên ngành: Mạng máy tính
Sơ lược
 Tony Northrup, MCSE and CISSP, is a consultant and author living in the Boston, Mas­sachusetts, area. During his seven years as Principal Systems Architect at BBN/Genuity, he was ultimately responsible for the reliability and security of hundreds of Windows– based servers and dozens of Windows domains—all connected directly to the Internet. Needless to say, Tony learned the hard way how to keep Windows systems safe in a hostile environment. Tony has authored and co-authored many books on Windows and networking, from NT Network Plumbing in 1998 to the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Performance and Troubleshooting Guide. Tony has also written several papers for Microsoft TechNet, covering firewalls, ASP.NET, and other security topics
Tags: Ms Press 70-299 Implementing Security,Mạng máy tính
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