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  With this digital Early Release edition of HTML5 Cookbook, you get the entire book bundle in its earliest form – the author’s raw and unedited content – so you can take advantage of this content long before the book’s official release. You’ll also receive updates when significant changes are made, as well as the final ebook version.

Dive deep into the latest HTML5 features that really make the language shine—everything from markup semantics to Canvas, web forms, application protocols, and the latest JavaScript APIs.

With more than 100 practical tips and techniques that you can use in your projects right away, the HTML Cookbook helps you experience HTML5′s versatility firsthand.

Each informative recipe includes a code solution, along with a detailed discussion into why and how it works. And each chapter has an example design to showcase the topics presented. This handy book is perfect for intermediate to advanced web and mobile web developers ready to take advantage of HTML5 immediately, with recipes on thefollowing topics:

Basic web syntax
Progressive HTML5 markup techniques
Web forms
Audio and video
Advanced JavaScript APIs

 Đây là ebook danh cho các bạn nghiên cứu giao diện trong mobile, ebook viết rất dễ hiểu, có code minh họa

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Slide tiếng việt bao gồm các phần  HTML, CSS,JS dành cho các bạn sinh viên mới tiếp xúc với lập trình web phía client....

 Chương 1: khái quát chung, Chương 2: Thiết kế giao diện, Chương 3: Thiết kế website...

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